HSANZ Blood Travel Grant 

The Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand (HSANZ) provide a number of travel grants to attend the Blood Conference.

General criteria

To be eligible all applicants must:

  • be current, financial members of the Society (you may apply for membership when you submit your application for the award). Membership forms are available at https://www.hsanz.org.au/apply-for-membership . Applications must be received by the HSANZ office by date of close of Abstracts via the website.
  • submit an abstract to the Blood meeting (apply for the travel grant or attendance grant online when submitting your abstract).
  • register for the Meeting by the close of abstract submission date.
  • have attained post graduate qualification in Australia or overseas (MSc, FRACP, FRCPA, PhD or overseas equivalent) within the past 5 years. Trainee members are eligible but members in positions where funding for travel is normally provided (eg hospital staff specialists) will not be considered for travel awards.
  • not receive funding for registration from other sources.

Applications will be assessed by a sub-committee of HSANZ and applicants will be advised of the outcome four weeks before the meeting. Applicants are encouraged where appropriate to also apply for the Albert Baikie Award, by completing the appropriate part of the online application. 

Six applicants will be selected on a merit-based assessment to receive reimbursement of their registration fees for Blood 2023. The criteria will include:

1.      Abstract score

2.      Trainee status

3.      Consideration will be given to regional members and diversity.


If you have any queries about the Meeting arrangements please don’t hesitate to contact us on:
Email: blood@theconferencecompany.com
Telephone (NZ): +64 9 360 1240
Freephone (Aus): 1800 193 405

Postal Address: PO Box 90 040 Auckland, 1142 New Zealand
Street Address: Level 35, International Tower One 100 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia

The Conference Company

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